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So What is Magic Anyway?

The Mushroom King

I’m going to share a few thoughts here I have been putting together over the last year about what magic actually is or at least how I define it. This doesn’t have to be your definition, and if it doesn’t resonate then that’s alright too but I made this blog to share my thoughts so here they are:

So what is magic? Well, basically it’s everything. All that you see. It is within everything that exists and everything that has the potential to exist.

Let me break it down.

There are so many variables involved in making this planet we live on, Earth, one suitable to support life, and not only for just one species specific needs, but for thousands of different species across the planet. The atmosphere, the temperature, the chemical composition of the plants, water, everything that makes this planet hospitable for life – it’s all so delicately interwoven that if just one thing were off we could easily all die off. And yet here we are. Every precious moment we are alive is a miracle.

Fairy Cluster

And that is magic. It’s an active spark of a force moving ever forward. That force is not only in life itself but in all things at all times. This allows for the potential of anything happening. Anything. Small things and large, (but usually the small) alike. Making a bed, the fact that you exist to do it at all, the point where they are brought together and the force that brings them all there. Creation is magic and it is always with us.

Spell work is learning to find, connect with, and manipulate that creative spark to create change on the physical and spiritual planes. One practice through which we may learn the means to do so is witchcraft – which is by no means the only way to manipulate and connect with such forces, but it is powerful, simple, direct, and moves within the natural rhythms of the physical and spiritual realms.

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