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Bizarre Bazaar

Welcome to the shop! All herbal products are made with ethically wild harvested and homegrown ingredients, or materials from responsible vendors. Everything is organic. Many items are limited edition and seasonal as I make products in small batches, so once they are gone they are likely gone for good. All art is one of a kind with the exception of prints. 

To Order


All payments are processed through PayPal. Currently I only ship within the U.S. though I'm aiming to change that soon.

To place an order of an individual item feel free to use the 'buy' button beneath each item. Please be sure to add $5 shipping to your item or I will invoice it to you to be paid before shipment (local pick up is available, just let me know and I will waive the shipping fee). Please include your shipping address and any other important shipping notes.


If you want to buy more than one item or book a service, please send me a message through the form on the contact page with the following information: 

For Services:   Please include your name, name of the service, and any other details pertaining to your service (example: for classes, please let me know when and where you want to host your class and how many will be attending). I will reply to you with any answers to questions you may have asked or questions of my own and my current availability. Once we have you booked we can discuss payment options in our dialogue.

For Items:   Please include a list of the items you wish to purchase, your shipping address  and any other important shipping notes, and which e-mail you would like me to send your invoice to. I will send you an invoice with your total plus shipping (local pick up is available, just let me know in your initial e-mail  and I will waive the shipping fee).

Please allow 2-4 weeks for delivery.



Seeds & Saplings

Bath & Ritual Salts

Teas & Tinctures


Featuring . . .

Magical Tarot by Anthony Emrys

8x10 Prints $10

Currently we have the Major Arcana cards available for prints. To see all available images simply scroll through the gallery. This deck is a work in progress. If you are interested in purchasing a print or deck please visit the link below.

"In January, 2016, I began creating these works of art. Yet, these are not just pictures plucked from my wildest imagination and dreams. Often channeled, each card tells a story. A story which goes beyond the average tarot deck. These images have great power waiting for you to connect with them and see what secrets and insight you may find.


Along with the help of the divine, I set out to craft a tarot deck for many reasons. To assist myself and others in waking up to a more magical and wonderful world, to better understand the tarot and the secrets of life, and to help the world heal through spiritual art. Over one year later, twenty-six pictures have been completed and that number continues to steadily grow!


These pictures are meant for any and all ages, all backgrounds, cultures, religions, and genders. Many elements of pop culture, as well as myths,legends, and fairy tale elements have been added to the more traditional meanings of tarot.


Around three years ago, my life as I knew it began to change very drastically. Among other things, I met my now wife who opened my mind and heart to a different world than most of us are aware of. This path has changed me for the better, has given new meaning to my once dull existence. I dream of showing the world that these images and ideas can be our reality, and not just a dream. That we can live without fear of the unknown, and embrace these magical elements and bring them to life!


Thank you for checking out my dreams, and I hope you all enjoy!



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