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"She is the witch. You know her, yet you do not know her. She has been with you always, yet she eludes you. She is your mother, your sister, your inmost self. You love her and fear her. You hate her, but are drawn to her." 


My name is Ash and I’ve been practicing witchcraft since before I knew precisely what I was doing. Through a combination of spirit guidance and lingering past life memories I began setting up altars, and making spirit offerings as early on as seven or eight to my recollection. When I was twelve I began to associate my practices with witchcraft through my exposure to media and accepted it as such.

I was largely self taught (or guided by a host of spirits, angels, and assorted dead relatives) for many years, but began reading and experimenting more and more as I got older and eventually found Wicca and like minded friends and was content until my late twenties when I began to be disillusioned with the restrictions and rules for a practice which I fully believed had very little rules if any at all. Frustrated, I began to read more until I discovered that yes, there is witchcraft outside of Wicca and some of it struck me to my very core.

For the most part I consider myself to be an eclectic witch. I have a mixed background of Celtic, German, and French roots with a dash or two of Viking, and Native American on the side. My Scottish and Native American heritages speak to me the most strongly and so I have a fierce passion for the traditional folk magic practices of Scotland, as well as Native American Shamanism.

I’m also an artist for whom the Earth and all that she bares forth has always been my most beloved medium. I’ve been known to drag twigs, moss, mushrooms, and bark out of the woods and fashion them into fairy forts, bind feathers and sticks into smudge fans, and paint the skulls of animals I’ve found to honor the spirits of the creatures who had once been bound to them. I also have a fondness for spirit boards and love to design them on smooth slices of wood.

I’m an ordained minister and reiki master, but those are just tools in my vast toolbox of talents and interests which allow me to serve myself and my community. I’m also a writer and aside from the book I’ve taken a break from writing occasionally like to share original short stories and re-tellings of fairytales and folklore in the hopes of imparting some of the sacred knowledge hidden within.

I am a Northern girl living in the South, and that has been the experience of a lifetime as here I found my soul tribe and more magic than I ever encountered in any other part of the country. I live with my husband, (a clever musician, artist, psychic, reiki master, and mystic in his own right), and our beloved feline companion who we more or less treat like our child. We are a strange little family but we do our best to fill our days with adventure and magic and I can’t imagine anyone wanting for more.

I’m also fairly ‘normal’ for all my love of mystery and the occult. I play video games and work hard to support our little Eden here at home, and if on occasion I stop to have a conversation with an angel or spirit it is usually in the midst of folding laundry or cooking dinner just like everyone else has to. So please don’t be shy. If you have questions, I might have answers, and if you have comments I am eager to hear them. I am ever looking to expand my circle of like-minded individuals.

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